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Eric Cartman

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

John Smith

My thought on John Smith (the druggy one) is that he messed his life up with drugs, and he doesn’t have a super bright future ahead of him. He can’t get married because he has too many problems already so he can’t have any problems with any kind of relationship. He seems as though he wants to get his life back together but that will be very difficult for him because he is on probation for drug related stuff. And it is hard for an addict to get away from the negative things that the person is addicted to.

Monday, May 9, 2011


This whole story revolves around a Fowler with his struggles to catch a white dove. Yet the dove is the beloved queen, the Fowler chooses to do something other than let the dove go and have a wedding. I believe that this story symbolizes that you shouldn't always do something for honor/respect if it will backfire on you.

Friday, April 29, 2011

My Hero Is.....

No one, I don't have a hero at all. I don't have a role model neither. The way I think about that stuff is that you want to follow someones footsteps. I want to just be me, not someone else.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

If I Only Had One Year to Live

If I had only one year to live I would do anything that I have not done at that point in time. I would write something but there are just too many to type. It is one of those moments when there is so much to think of you can't think of anything.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog Prompt: 4/25

I didn't do that much over spring break, the most fun I had over spring break was probably going over to both sides of my family's houses for Easter. Other than that it was a very boring spring break, but better than going to school.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog Prompt: 4/14

None of this was easy.

What was challenging is the due date.

I used it wisely by doing my work.

I could change the type of writing I did because it takes a while.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blog Prompt- 4/13

Question #1 - What Do you think about the Confederacy?

Response - I don't agree with what they believe in at all. Especially since they have slaves, that doesn't make sense why they would have them, but they are greedy, corrupt and lazy. Also slaves are human, not some other life form.

Question #2 - Do you carry body armor with you?

Response - No I do not, it is just 10 extra pounds that you need to carry which slows me down. Plus some of my fellow soldiers have tested them out and said they don't even protect you. One time they tested it out and the guy got shot right in the stomach, no protection at all. I'm not taking chances with that thing, also they cost a lot of money.

Question #3 - Are you afraid of some consequences that could occur fighting in the war?

Response - No, I believe we will win the war. If you are talking about me possibly dieing fighting for the Union I guess I am afraid. But I don't believe I will die from a man shooting me, if anything probably from disease.